Some of my favourite colleagues

Looking for reliable professionals in the field of translation and interpreting? These are interpreters and translators I can vouch for.

Great teamwork with

My colleagues

Mathias Biche

Mathias Biche

French lawyer and legal translator

French lawyer admitted to the Paris bar in 1998 and translator into French from Italian, German and English.
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Yve Delaquis

Yve Delaquis

Traductora e intérprete en Fribourg (CH)
Yve is an experienced conference interpreter, translator and voice-over artist. Based in Zurich, she is an AIIC member and works from German, English and Dutch.
Oana Ciobanoiu

Oana Ciobanoiu

Romanian translator
Based in Lyon, Oana can help you navigate between French, English and her native Romanian.
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José Manuel Pozo López

José Manuel Pozo López

Traductor y revisor español
José, based in Avignon, translates from French, English, Italian and Romanian into Spanish.Email me
Anne Leinen

Anne Leinen

German sociologist and sworn translator
State certified and sworn translator at the Court of Koblenz, Anne translates into German from Italian and English, especially in finance and social sciences.
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Shun Yao

Shun Yao

Mandarin Chinese translator
Shun can help your business grow in China, as he translates from English, French and Russian into his native Mandarin.
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Lorenza Oprandi

Lorenza Oprandi

Medical translator, copywriter and language teacher
Lorenza is a French-Italian bilingual and lives in Switzerland. She translates from German and English in the field of medicine and art therapy, besides offering language courses.POPOV Language academy
Abdelkarim Kassimi

Abdelkarim Kassimi

Spanish, Arabic and Berber interpreter

Abdelkarim, a native speaker of Spanish, Arabic (including Moroccan dialects), and Berber (Tarifit), also interprets from English and French.
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Monika Fryszkowska

Monika Fryszkowska

Polish interpreter and translator
Based in Warsaw, and previously employed at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation in Luxembourg, Monika works from English and French into Polish.
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Jairo Dorado

Jairo Dorado

Spanish booth interpreter and translator
Based in Germany, Jairo is translator and EU-accredited interpreter for English, Portuguese, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin and Galician into Spanish.
He also translates and interprets from German and Slovenian.
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Lina Berova

Lina Berova

Russian interpreter and translator
As a sworn interpreter for Russian (LG Munich I), Lina translates and interprets from Russian into German and vice versa. She also translates from Ukrainian into German, and (in cooperation with her colleagues) in the language combinations Hebrew/German and Russian/English.
Lina Berova

Alexander Kvartalny

Russian and Ukrainian interpreter
Based in Switzerland, Alexander can help you communicate and do business in Ukraine, interpreting between English, Russian and Ukrainian.
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